Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A Recap...

525,600 minutes is the time in a year. Don't believe me watch Rent.

How have I spent this last year? 

Staring at the mirror my white hair reminds me another year has gone. They year started turned upside down. I was still reeling from the lose of Tony Monge the man who was father and friend to me since I was three. Still January came and went the only people who stood by me was family, Fiancee, Jolab, Mark and Starla. 

Moving into February I renewed my search for a new job. Celebrating my first Valentines in a relationship Jules made it a wondrous event filled with good memories. It was a brief break from the turmoil of my soul. 

As time passed and we moved into March I began to make my plans to become engaged to Jules with the help of my friends Jolab and Brooke. This took time but plans where laid out and monies where set aside. It would be a grand event. March 25th came and again I was shaken to the core as my friend and brother Shane let this earth following the loss of this brother Jesse. 

To say my world was in retrograde would be and understatement. My world was headed for the sun and about to get worse. In April as time got close to my engagement plans Jules son Aaron went into emergency surgery to remove his appendix. After a botched surgery the road that unfolded to recovery was rough. It was during this time my Cousin Chris came into the picture to support me and Jules as we looked after our youngest as he fought back and recovered from this adversity. 

By the time we got to May I was not sure of anything. I had lost Shane, I had no real church family other then a few sparse friends, and Jules and I were stretched to the frayed points of emotion. Vegas came as a brief respite in the torrent of life. I still had no new job, but I had a ring and tax returns. Mark and Starla where our guides during this time and with their help and a few good times she said yes and I was an engaged man.

In June I got my own place. Moving out from the torrent of family affairs at my Moms and trying to prepare for a wedding this seemed logical. It was also during this time my hours at work dwindled to half of what they where. Now I was not only making under what I was worth but now with half a pay check. Birthday's came and went. Jules and I had a great one celebrating at the Magic Kingdom. It was good for such a tight month. 

July came and money for food was scarce but we made it. Sliding into August with a new schedule with the kids and a school for everyone. September came and went letting October rise up to allow me to celebrate Aaron's and Larrisa's Birthday while morning Tony. It ended with a bang as I took there kids trick or treating with my Sister and her clan. 

November came and thanksgiving was great spending time with my mom and then David, Jules' brother. It was during this time Czarah enter in as my new boss to smooth somethings out at work. Now we are caught into December and well looking back I have some great memories. 

This year has taught me to endure with more heartache then I could imagine. I had some great times of rest but to me the next year is so unclear. 

Still it is good I am able to recap. I think I might add and modify this later till then here is it in the raw...