Believers' Book Shelf

The Believers':
Most people know I am not a typical Christian and most of these books are about other non-typical Christians. Take a look it might blow your perceptions up. 
Messy Spirituality:
The Why: Yaconelli is a broken man that brings grace, community and theology together into what church is. Filled with true stores, biblical examples and parable mixed together into a wonderful elixir of how to walk out faith. This book shows how beautiful walking out our messy faith is.  

Summary: Yaconelli has an annoying habit of speaking the truth. As an author, he changed the face of youth ministry over the past three decades with his honest approach to the challenges of today's youth. As former editor of The Wittenberg Door (now simply The Door), he and his staff humorously challenged what they saw as the church's many hypocrisies and inconsistencies. Here, Yaconelli explores the perfectionism that plagues so many in the church, an examination that is both challenging and deeply personal. He does an excellent job of naming some of the unspoken assumptions in today's church context, arguing, for example, that the church "has communicated that competence is one of the fruits of the Spirit." But even more effective are his vivid stories, where he gives blood and flesh to the idea of grace lost and found again in the church. The power of these stories makes the book reminiscent of Philip Yancey's What's So Amazing About Grace?, but Yaconelli's stories are more personal, many coming from his own congregation. His honest reflections on his own frustrations and deep feelings of inadequacy are unusual for a book about Christian spirituality. While he seeks to connect with and help Christians who feel secretly ashamed about their lack of discipleship, he may lose some readers who feel uncomfortable with such levels of honesty. Those who persevere will discover a wonderful treasure.  (Copyright 2002 Cahners Business Information, Inc.)

So You Don’t Want To Go To Church Anymore:
The Why: This book has been an aid to me. As seminary graduate, long time theologian and an avid church-goer when I was young I felt that I never quiet fit in the place that we refer to as the church. I have thought that we have been doing it all wrong for some time now and felt accountable to try and fix it. Little did I know that is not something that I am no called or responsible to do. Looking for a fresh take about following God all you have to do is read.

Summary: What would you do if you met someone you thought just might be one of Jesus original disciples still living in the 21st Century? That's Jake's dilemma as he meets a man who talks of Jesus as if he had known him, and whose way of living challenges everything Jake had previously known. So You Don t Want to Go To Church Anymore is Jake s compelling journal that chronicles thirteen conversations with his newfound friend over a four-year period and how those exchanges turn Jake's world upside-down. With his help, Jake faces his darkest fears, struggles through brutal circumstances and comes out on the other side in the joy and freedom he always dreamed was possible. If you're tired of just going through the motions of Christianity and want to mine the depths of what it really means to live deeply in Christ, you ll find Jake s story will give you hope for your own. This book probes the difficult questions and offers some far-reaching answers. It just might turn your world upside-down as well!

Red Moon Rising:
The Why: The prayer movement has shaped who I am as a believe on a dramatic scale. I have met both Peter Grieg and Mike Bickle. I have been to both IHOP-KC and the prayer house in KC. Yet the it was Peter Grieg’s humility that will ever burn from my experiences with working with the movement. This book gives keen insight to the man and what God is doing through prayer and community.

Summary: An extraordinary story about the adventure of faith and the power of persevering prayer… On a summer’s day in 1727 a community of Moravians started praying and didn’t stop for more than 100 years. Throughout history God has mobilised such movements and moments of 24/7 prayer – from the Upper Room of Pentecost to Azusa Street in Los Angeles, through ancient Celtic saints and extraordinary characters like Alexander the Sleepless.
This is the story of a movement of the Spirit in our time, a move as ancient as it is modern.
As young people desert the church and AIDS orphans Africa, a new generation is learning to pray and obey like never before. From Communist China to Washington DC and from the ranks of the Salvation Army to anarchic German punks, the 24-7 Prayer movement has been interceding continually, night and day, since 1999 in more than fifty countries. This is their extraordinary story; an honest account of pain and perseverance alongside pioneering mission and miraculous answers to prayer. (by:

Punk Monk:
The Why: This is a companion to Red Moon Rising giving ideas on how to live as a prayer community. This book has inspired many countless ideas and wishes to add to my dream of the future. Within these pages is a treasure trove of experience on how growing a life together can always look different and thrive. This is not a how to book as much as it is a how we did it and we are just sharing our ideas and experiences with you book.

Summary: Fleeing the compromises of the 4th century church, the Desert Fathers founded monasticism. In reaction to a Christianity they scarcely recognized, these radicals fled to the Egyptian desert to model a different, radical style of discipleship, filled with sacrifice and continual prayer. Who are the new monks, the new punks, the new revolutionaries? The answer lies in an upsurge of 24-7 monastic communities around the world. Punk Monk combines a narrative journey through the beginnings of 24-7 Prayer Boiler Rooms with a discussion on the roots of monasticism, particularly its ethos and values, and how it can be applied in the third millennium. Drawing influences from the Franciscans, the Celts and the Moravians, the book highlights the counter-cultural and revolutionary force of monasticism and asks whether it is time for a new monastic movement. It also takes punk as a contemporary expression of monastic spirit and asks whether a “silent revolution” is coming. (by:

The Irresistible Revolution:
The Why: This is one way of living out your walk. Though I cannot fully agree with everything decision made in this book, still I know this book has its moments. Full of great stories and experience; dealing with the poor, reclaiming lost urban places and bring new life to forgotten fields this book deserves its place on my shelf.

Summary: Living as an Ordinary Radical Many of us find ourselves caught somewhere between unbelieving activists and inactive believers. We can write a check to feed starving children or hold signs in the streets and feel like we've made a difference without ever encountering the faces of the suffering masses. In this book, Shane Claiborne describes an authentic faith rooted in belief, action, and love, inviting us into a movement of the Spirit that begins inside each of us and extends into a broken world. Shane's faith led him to dress the wounds of lepers with Mother Teresa, visit families in Iraq amidst bombings, and dump $10,000 in coins and bills on Wall Street to redistribute wealth. Shane lives out this revolution each day in his local neighborhood, an impoverished community in North Philadelphia, by living among the homeless, helping local kids with homework, and 'practicing resurrection' in the forgotten places of our world. Shane's message will comfort the disturbed, and disturb the comfortable . . . but will also invite us into an irresistible revolution. His is a vision for ordinary radicals ready to change the world with little acts of love. 

No Compromise:
The Why:  After a man’s death what can be said about him can be found in the lives and words of others. In some rare cases such as this we find that the person has left a legacy of his own words to join in the story of their life. Keith Green was a man of insight, conviction and a love of God this is his story to us all.
Summary: He was only twenty-eight when he died in a plane crash with two of his small children, but singer/songwriter Keith Green had already created a legacy of music and inspiration that would outlive him. A spiritual revolutionary, he found freedom through Jesus, not religion, and spent his last years convincing others to refuse to accept the status quo and instead to bring compassion and honesty back to the church. He touched people through vibrant lyrics in songs like "Your Love Broke Through," "You Put This Love In My Heart," and "Asleep In The Light." Last Days Ministries, which he and his wife Melody founded, went on to challenge thousands of people to take to the mission fields of the world. Now, on the 25th anniversary of his death, Melody has updated her husband's biography with new photos, essays from current musicians who were influenced by Keith, selections from Keith's private journal, and stories about what it was like raising their two remaining children on her own. (by:

1 comment:

  1. Great book list ! Can I recommend one that I am reading right now...its amazing. The Meaning of Marriage by Timothy Keller
