Path of Sages Book Shelf

The Path of Sages:
These are books on theology. My seminary professor Dr. Larry Hart once said to us “We all are theologians.” These are books that have effect my theology.

Meet the Rabbis:
The Why: I see my faith as grand tree and its roots are in the Rabbi’s of Israel. It is in their teachings and culture that we find a complete understanding of the bible and the Christian faith. The introduction to Rabbinic thinking, Jewish culture and how they tie into the modern Christian faith make this a must read.

 Summary: Meet the Rabbis explains to the reader how rabbinic thought was relevant to Jesus and the New Testament world, and hence should be relevant to those people today who read the New Testament. In this sense, Rabbinic thought is relevant to every aspect of modern life. Rabbinic literature explores the meaning of living life to its fullest, in right relationship with God and humanity. Brad Young seeks to introduce you reader to the world of Torah learning. It is within this world that the authentic cultural background of Jesus' teachings in ancient Judaism is revealed. Young uses parts of the New Testament, especially the Sermon on the Mount, as a springboard for probing rabbinic method. The book is an introduction to rabbinic thought and literature and has three main sections in its layout: Introduction to Rabbinic Thought, Introduction to Rabbinic Literature, and Meet the Rabbis, a biographical description of influential Rabbis from Talmudic sources. (Summary by

Jesus the Jewish Theologian:
The Why: To some people there is a surprising thought that Jesus was a Jew. This book not only reminds me that he was but takes me through the thought process behind theology, parables and teachings of Jesus. It opens a whole new way at looking at the precepts of our faith and the message of our messiah.  

Summary: Jesus the Jewish Theologian establishes Jesus firmly within the context of first-century Judaism and shows how understanding Jesus' Jewishness is crucial for interpreting the New Testament and for understanding the nature of Christian faith. Insights from Jewish literature, archeology, and tradition help modern readers place Jesus within his original context. Particular attention is given to the Jewish roots of Jesus' teaching concerning the kingdom of God.

Brad H. Young, Ph.D. Hebrew University, studied under David Flusser and is the author of Jesus and His Jewish Parables and The Jewish Background to the Lord's Prayer. He is the president and founder of the Gospel Research Foundation, which is committed to exploring the Jewish roots of the Christian faith, and is on the editorial board of the Compendia Rerum Iudaicarum ad Novum Testamentum

Crazy Love:
The Why: A challenge to change they way you think about love that is a simple summation of all that is with in this book. Relentless love turns the planets, causes the sun to burn and heals the hurt of the heart. It’s a revolution if you embrace it and God is at the center of it.

Summary: God is love. Crazy, relentless, all-powerful love. Have you ever wondered if we’re missing it? It’s crazy, if you think about it. The God of the universe--the Creator of nitrogen and pine needles, galaxies and E-minor--loves us with a radical, unconditional, self-sacrificing love. And what is our typical response? We go to church, sing songs, and try not to cuss. Whether you’ve verbalized it yet or not...we all know something’s wrong. Does something deep inside your heart long to break free from the status quo? Are you hungry for an authentic faith that addresses the problems of our world with tangible, even radical, solutions? God is calling you to a passionate love relationship with Himself. Because the answer to religious complacency isn’t working harder at a list of do’s and don’ts--it’s falling in love with God. And once you encounter His love, as Francis Chan describes it, you will never be the same. Because when you’re wildly in love with someone, it changes everything. (Summary by

The Wisdom of Tenderness
The Why: Mercy and grace is something we should live by in our lives. Yet what does living that out look like today? Manning shows us what this look likes with examples from his own life and a few from others. Filled with deep insight this book makes you questions the depths on ones motives.  

Summary: Brennan Manning believes that all changes in our quality of life must grow out of changes in our vision of reality. He argues that by relating to God as a loving parent with a heart of tenderness, we can begin to develop a spiritual life that allows us to let go of worry, stop organizing everything as means to an end, and begin to live fully in the awareness of God's infinite grace and mercy in each moment. Manning calls into question the prevailing vision of God as a remote overlord who alternately purveys judgment and blessings to his creatures below. He shows how this distorted image of God leads to a spirituality that is shallow and how it is ultimately in conflict with the message of the Gospel. A profound exploration of the challenges of Christian living, this book will lead readers toward a greater experience of compassion, forgiveness, reconciliation, and reverence. (Summary by

Ruthless Trust:
The Why: The title of this book alone should challenge you to read this. Ruthless Trust is just that a call to let go and trust with all your might. God is the one person we can truly trust but what starts happening when we start giving trust to others. The answer lies with in the pages.

Summary:  It's been 40 years since author Brennan Manning was "ambushed by God" and on the far side of despair himself. As a gutter-alcoholic who was completely broken, he found an unshakable trust in the love of Christ for him as he was then, not as he could be or is now. Manning shows us how true and radical trust can transform everything in our lives. No matter where we are on our path of discipleship, he offers encouragement to shed the limitations of fear, shame, and doubt through complete reliance upon God. The way of Ruthless Trust is not an abstract theory; it is that very practical and demanding path that each of us must follow in response to God's love. "Raw honesty with Jesus about our doubts and anxieties, our lust and laziness, our shabby prayer life and stale religiosity, our mixed motives and divided hearts, is the risk we take in the certainty of being acceptable and accepted. It is the full and mature expression of invincible trust." Over the years, this trust ripens into confidence and bears certain fruit, such as gratitude to God. But it's not always easy, he admits. "Ruthless trust is hanging tough in the dark nights, when we are plunged into desolation but know that absence of God is only apparent."

The Pursuit of God:
The Why: This book is as dated as the time period it was written in.  Towzer had a keen insight and understanding of God and how we relate to him in our walk. If one can get past his older english the gems hidden within this book are great tool and keys to our Christian walk.   

Summary: The Pursuit of God: This book is a modest attempt to aid God's hungry children so to find Him. Nothing here is new except in  the sense that it is a discovery, which my own heart has made of spiritual realities most delightful and wonderful to me. Others before me have gone much farther into these holy mysteries than I have done, but if my fire is not large it is yet real, and there may be those who can light their candle at its flame. -A. W. Tozer

During a train trip from Chicago in the late 1940s, A.W. Tozer began to work on The Pursuit of God. He wrote all night long, the words coming to him as fast as he could put them down. By the next morning, when the train pulled into McAllen, Texas, the rough draft was done.Although written in such a remarkably short period of time, the depth, clarity and completeness of Tozer's message has made The Pursuit of God an enduring favorite -- about 1.7 million copies in print in 15 languages.Prepare yourself for a deeply meaningful and enjoyable experience.

Roaring Lambs
The Why: This book is dated in the worse kind of way because the author did not take time into account. Putting that aside Briner has a keen insight into moving our faith into action. Taking his dream into the now would take imagination and work but would be tremendous.

Summary: Bob Briner would have told you, 'Absolutely!' Roaring Lambs is Briner's manifesto of our proper stance regarding the 'culture-shaping arena.' Christians can and ought to be the movers and shakers of social change -- 'roaring lambs' who infiltrate and make an impact on their workplace and world with their faith. Roaring Lambs was written from Briner's personal experience as an Emmy Award-winning television producer. It takes you into the work world strategies anyone can use. There's also a useful discussion guide that will help you and your friends put shoe leather to your faith. Bob Briner's greatest legacy may well be the way in which, through his own courageous roam, he helped countless Christians discover theirs. John their ranks. Roar with conviction -- and change your world! The author of Squeeze Play: Caught Between Work and Home offers Christians a strategy for re-entering the world and reclaiming their culture. Roaring Lambs celebrates those individuals who are already busy at this work and coaches all readers on the steps they can take to return a vibrant Christian witness to the mainstream of American culture. (Barnes and

Eyes That Can See the Spiritual Realm:
The Why: I wrote the summary bellow. Reading that will give you my take on the book.

Summary: Wade Hairfield was dying. He had tried everything from doctors at ULCA Medical Center to alternative medicine herbalists to cure his declining health. It was not till his body started shutting down in while waiting on tests from the Mayo Clinic that he cried out to God. His prayer would be answered as Wade was lead to a chiropractor in the yellow pages who would save his life. This was only the beginning of his journey into Spiritual Warfare. It is after this that we find out Wade would have a son named Adam who was given an incredible gift, seeing into the spiritual realm. It through his experience with his son that Wade learns  about Spiritual Warfare and Deliverance from satanic and demonic bondage. Filled with testimonies, personal accounts, bible verse backing up his concepts and descriptions from his son Adam, Wade Hairfield shares with his readers rich lessons like a teacher does with a his students.  By the end of this book Wade and Tina Hairfield a create a basic understanding of demonic influences, how to get free from them, a picture of angels battling demons and how it all impacts believers. This book is in dire need of a second edition, polishing, an edit and is a bit rough around the edges. Still this book is  a good addition to any believers library. 

He Came To Set The Captives Free
The Why: A captivating tale that should be read with discernment. Filled with intrigue, demons and Satan himself. This book is a page turner to say the least. Still all such book should be read  with a keen prayer life.

Summary: For seventeen years, Elaine served her master, Satan, with total commitment. Then she met Dr. Rebecca Brown, who served her master, Jesus Christ, with equal commitment. Elaine, one of the top witches in the U.S., clashed with Dr. Brown, who stood against her alone. In the titanic life-and-death struggle that followed, Dr. Brown nearly lost her life. Elaine, finding a power and love greater than anything Satan could give her, left Satan and totally committed her life to Jesus Christ. In this honest, in-depth account of Satan's activities today, you'll see how to recognize and combat the many satanists who regularly infiltrate and destroy Christian churches; recognize and combat satanic attacks; and recognize those serving Satan, and bring them to Jesus Christ.

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