Monday, March 19, 2012

Book Of Micah


Summary: We all have contemporaries who are in the same field as us bringing a different perspective to the situation. Micah was such a man being a contemporary of Isaiah and Hosea. Written in classical Hebrew poetry his prophesy is just another beautiful showing on how God speaks to us using different styles. Three stanza highlight trials for the capitals, the leaders and the people giving a complete picture of God HATING sin. Still the beauty of each complete part is God's promises still showing us the God LOVES the sinner.  

Things I Noticed:

1. It is a problem to those who devise wicked things and work evil in their beds.
2. Do not rest in places of uncleanness because it destroys with grievous destruction.
3. It is for the heads of the House of Israel to know Justice.
4. Ch 4:1-5 talks about Jesus reign or thats how I perceive it. Where war is ended and every man shall sit in peace being fulfilled. 
5. The remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many peoples like a lion and the beasts of the forests. Sounds like Israel to this day. Surround by enemies inside the country and out. 
6. God wil cut off sorceries and fortune tellers. This is in Ch 5:12 and made me think that it was like new broadcasters, political and economic analysts.
7. What the Lord desires is to do justice love kindness and walk humbly before him.
8. You shall eat but not be satisfied and there shall be a hunger within you. Sounds like how our society behaves. Always looking to be fulfilled and always being left empty. 
9. Look to the Lord and wait on his salvation. God will hear you.
10. When I fall I shall rise.
11. God does not retain his anger forever because he delights in steadfast love. 
12. God will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea. 

Well,  I finished reading our poetic prophet. The journey continues through Matthew the tax collector who Jesus called friend, while the next prophet I will visit will be Nahum. Till then, Read up, Post up, and Shalom.

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