Saturday, July 2, 2011

I Am A Writer

Late at night is an interesting time for me. My mind works like a loom producing countless weaves of thoughts, emotions and ideas. It twists those oh so many musings earlier from the day to use as threads. To navigate and harness these great strands in my mind of mine I write.

Writing something relevant carries an importance. I have considered the possibility of me being a writer and poet, but it seems I can only be half each of these things never full growing into a master of either because I am plagued by procrastination a disease that eats away at my very time. Still I struggle like a fly in a spiders web for I am caught by the inability to survive without the written language.

I feel like when God created me, he put ink in my veins, surrounded me with words circling my head formulating creative ideas, songs, stories and pictures in the printing press of my synaptic explosions. And if you were to unravel and look close at my DNA you would see the 26 letter of the english alphabet their with the dominate genes being AEIOU and sometimes Y.

Necessity is the mother of invention so I am inventing ways to take the old and make something new from it. Rebuilding mythologies and fairytales through new light that is only seen from the angles of the magnifying glass of my mind's eye. A forger of narratives I see the holes in movies and fill them with questions all the while writing in a small note pad kept in my pocket as a PDA. Its not the future its the past. Blurring the line of digital and printed books saying its ok for both to exist.

I am an illusionist hiding thoughts in context and subplots all the while directing readers in another direction. Now you see them or did you?

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