Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A Glimpse Into The House.

"I Know You Are Listening
I Know That You Care
I Know You Are Listening
And Heaven Moves At
My Prayer......"

These words are what is written at the edge of a large mural painted in Refuge House of Prayer. Some misconceptions about the house of prayer that the soul duty of its house staff is to pray for you. While this is something we times do it is not our full purpose. At the Refuge the staffs goal is to create and maintain a place for God's presence to dwell so that you may meet Him.

So the Refuge would more accurately be called a House of Presence. The Refuge HOP functions as a place to let people experience and draw to God on a personal level.

As the House grows our goal it to raise up people into their destinies, equipped and then send them out empowered in a relationship with God. Apostolic Priest sent out like living Arks changing the place they enter by calling the down heaven to earth. Shaking the foundation of preconceptions set today by our society. Reformationist that cry out change with not only their voices but their lifestyles.

Thats why I am here for now. It is the basis for my future dream of opening a House in New Orleans. More later friends....

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