Monday, August 3, 2009

The Why...

The Why...

Recently I have life has been interesting. I have been in a grand transition from living in the security of graduate school and being a adjunct at Oral Roberts University to moving back to California and becoming an intercessory missionary. This mean my finances are like those of a Levite in which I must depend on those around me to sustain me as my job is to serve the Lord in prayer and teaching.

It is no secret that my this is leading to New Orleans where I want to start a House of Presence to train up the Broken to radically change the city and the world. This is a time at the Refuge House of Prayer is a training for that.

Recently during a time time of prayer and worship God gave me a vision about a Broken Army that I will share are the end of this post.

The why of starting this blog is simple. I want to update those who support me and let you know about my passions such as stories, teachings, thoughts, steampunk, and miracles.

To this end I have created this Blog. You know the reasons, so now know the vision:

"There was an army. It stood upon the crest of a hill and looked across the banner. As far as the eye could see the army spread across. The black tunics emblazed with a golden broken cog. This army spanned generations. All carried scars of some sort.

They where dressed as they like. Some in Victorian, others latex, vinyl and spandex, others in leather and still others in rich muted crimson, blues and purples. Their hairstyles matched the menagerie mo-hawks, dread-locks, braids, bald, short, classic comb over, pompadour and colors from natural to reds, greens, purples, unnatural blacks and blazing pinks.

They stared with identity and purpose at me. They wore badges of honor as musician, artist, dancer, writer, brother, mother, daughter, son, sister, father. They chanted, "All or nothing once broken now made whole. Blessed be the Son of the Dawn. His Name is Jesus."

To my left stood wisdom in her beauty and glory and to my write stood my spiritual father. This was my inheritance. This army of broken people now made whole. These where those who did not fit into the great machine of the world or the religious mechanisms. These where the ones told to leave, they had no place, that they where not wanted, or not Christians enough. These where the ones declared outcast bastards and left to the streets.

And I loved every one of them as son and daughter. This was my army and my family. The broken, hurt and bound. They where free now, redeemed, empowered. They knew their destiny, authority, identity and power. They see Jesus before us and behind us. I was there floor.

So you see them? They rattle their swords and the enemy flees, they bring healing to the broken and offer them family, they set the captives free with a gentle smile and acceptance. This is broken army. This army of Broken Cogs, they are amazing.

God is so Good..."

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