Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Kingdom over Chow Mien

Yesterday we came together as a family for dinner. Something that is rare to get all the staff together for. Still Spiritual father David Andrade had called us together to encourage, get to know and invest in us as Spiritual Children. The idea of Family is something thing that even I have mixed feelings about.

It is no secret come from a broken family and that my relationship with my father is not a shinning example. If one is to be honest it is rather awkward. So sitting around the table with a spiritual father who is interested in who you are and where your going was a treat. We talked about ourselves, our dreams, our struggles over delicious Chinese food. It was a small glimpse of the dinners I wish to have in the future in New Orleans each week.

Dinner and conversation use to be a primary event as a family in American and somewhere along the way we became busy, microwaves brought us television dinners, and instead of coming home to family time around the table it was family time around the T.V. cold, silent, filled with programming. As we build community here at the Refuge it is like a revival of gentle family intimacy with each other. Ancient path or communal living around a shared table.

You get snap shots through your life in dinner at restaurants with a close group of friends, or around your grandparents table and sometimes on holidays. Still yesterday reminded me there is more to spiritual walk then what I am doing in the House. More then just relationship with those who move in and out of the House. It reminded me that community and family are the foundation of the Kingdom and that the Kingdom can break loose with a Spiritual Father asking questions to young men and women around a table with tea and chow mien.

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