Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A Place

I want to create a place where everyone can live with hope in their hearts.

Recently I been writing a great deal about my dream and vision for the future. New Orleans is the goal and a place I wish to bring hope, yet is more then that. I say this because I know as someone called to move around and share life with others I have to carry these things with me to give. A place where everyone can live with hope. I am reading about such places. In Philly there is the Simple way and in Calcutta there is Mother Teresa's commune. They are poor and they work hard to make it. Still people give of themselves and what they have for each other in community. I burn, I burn for such places, for such Christianity that places more value on the person meeting Christ through relationship then through service or program. I am not saying that these things are not good and well.

I have been thinking what is Radical? I have come to the conclusion that it is Love. Yeah, you would say "but I show love. I go to church. I feed the poor. I give to charity." And I say good. But have you sat and talked with the poor and heard their story as you shared a meal? Have you simply just had a conversation with your neighbor? Have you stopped to help someone change a tire or picked up someone walking in the heat to help them get somewhere. Revolutionary not really. Dangerous, yeah it just might be. Still I assure you this is not for the tame at heart. This will not make you popular or powerful and not rich. Most likely people will think your MAD! Yep crazy.

Still I would rather be crazy and live one day of community then to live the same way I have been living. I am not saying this will be easy. Even I struggle with old patterns and teachings of fear. Still I will begin to strive for this in my own life as not to call others to something that I myself am not doing.

1 comment:

  1. Just came across your blog post. I hope you have not forgotten those dreams!! More power to you. Do not let anything stop you.
