Thursday, February 3, 2011


I was once told never start something by giving a dictionary definition. Though I find this to be good advice I will discard it at the moment.

Webster's Dictionary Defines Reformation as; The act of reforming: the state of being reformed.

This is where I am at. My life has been filled with much heart ache with the loss of someone close, joy with finding true love and testing with intense trial of health, family, and finances. Looking at life from this small summit I can see how much I am have changed in just a year. Still as life shakes everything loose I find comfort in my faith. Though like a beggar I have no home, I still find bread, fellowship and on rare occasion worship.

I my dreams have not changed a single bit. They are more vivid then ever. And so I push on. So though its been some time I have decided to breath some more life into my blog. It starts today....

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