Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Life Lessons

There are some tough lessons I have learned from life in the last few years. Here are four for you to see.

1. The Death of some one dear changes you forever.
I have had many people die around me. I was part of a funeral before I was a part of a wedding. That being said they did not hit me because of the distance with those who passed on. Recently I lost the man who was my for all intensive purposes my Dad and that forever has changed me. I have yet to recover from this loss.

2. Life always affords you opportunities to learn.
In graduating from seminary I came to learn how little I knew. God taught me more in the city of Tulsa then inside any classroom at Oral Roberts University. Though life there was full of great experience the opportunities to learn came everyday in unexpected ways. From helping to feed the poor, to help hosting dinners and passover, to conversations with friends and my students.

3. From Relevant to 24/7
The idea of the relevant church was something I use to find at the cutting edge of Christianity. The idea bringing the christian culture out of the 70's and 80's and into the new millennium entranced me for sometime. Though I think it is important to be able to relate to the children of today, it is more important to get in touch with God who can speak to the hearts of all generation. The Prayer movement came along reformed and revolution of my theological foundation. Reminding me of the ways of the ancients through fasting, praying and letting seeking the Holy Spirit to lead and do the miraculous. It can be said that God brought this at time to turn the fire of my faith from orange to the powerful blue flame. It is in this seeking that the vision of my heart crystalized towards New Orleans.

4. The Price of Pain
This lesson has been tough because pain hurts. Recently my mother's illness has been worse making the pain racking her joints unbearable. Having her cry out for help and being unable to do anything has been excruciating. The pain of loss affords only deep memories and regrets for the things undone. Physical pain let you know when somethings wrong whether its getting older, growth through exercise or being sick. Pain of heart lets you know when you spirit is not so well. All in all the price of pain is a high cost and I see why we as humans do anything not to feel it, drown it out, cover it up and avoid it all together. Still if we can push through find healing the fires of pain can teach us humility, strength, patience and wisdom.

In great wisdom God teach us things in life these of course where a few of mine.

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