Sunday, February 6, 2011

Before the Bowl.

I started this before I was off to hang for the food fest and commercial I thought I would give a quick insight I have been pondering.

1. The idea of a Relevant Church in the sense of the mainstream culture shift in the body to impact America more is a queer concept. It implies we have lost distinction in our society. Which in the sense of being set apart and holy is true. When Christians are like everyone else or worse judgmental you can say we have loss our flavor as salt. The Message is always relevant but without reputable messengers with authority and empowered it seem like its all a fantastical story.

2. The Prophet Nathan was able to speak to King David about his sin because they had more then a Prophet to King relationship. Nathan seemed to be a friend of David and thus understood using a analogy about shepherding a sheep would strike his heart about the problem God want to address.

3. It is the day of the Superbowl and it boggles my mind how much more people at church are excited about this Sunday then any other.

So there you go.

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