Monday, February 7, 2011


Sometimes people are eaten by dragons. Other times people slay dragons. I prefer flying on the back of dragons. Unconventional I know but live life dangerously I say...

Some people crush bugs. Other people crush flowers. Me and my friends we crush evil armies of goblins...

You walk quietly and carry a big stick. This guy behind me shouts like blood murder and carries a broad sword. Yeah I would fear him a little more too... -Ancient gnomish tenet

Sometimes the only thing you can say is "OWLBEAR!" and run... Philbar Squeeker The Halfing Thief...

‎"A mage once told me never look into the eyes of a Beholder. And you know what he was right." One-eyed Phelius the inn keeper...

"You know what? I met one of those beholder types down in the Underdark while showing some cocky princeling around. He thought it would be funny to show off to his brainless trophy girl and throw a magic missile at the beast's back.. Or whatever you'd call it. Guess who's still petrified down there?" -the slightly insane dwarven guide

"We dared the perilous wastelands. Made it past the murky swamp. And develed deep into the ancient runes of Urik. Only to find NOTHING! And a note stating our competitors had gotten there FIRST!" Apple the unlucky Rogue

"Whoever said the road less traveled leads to adventure is full of goblin dung..." Chu Linn the Wondering Monk of Qi Lu.

‎"In my opinion, the road less traveled simply means more sprained ankles and bad nights' sleep to get somewhere you probably could have taken a coach to." -the grumpy dwarven trail guide

‎"Yeah I love the wind, well unless the wind is a crazy Djinn trying to eat my face off and slash me into pieces." Werricky the not so brave fighter...

We shall ride like the wind, except we have no horses so we walk" Edwin the horseless ranger

‎"I ran into a liche one time. Couldn't get the smell off my armor for weeks. The lesson here is don't charge the liche." Grubar the Warrior of Pav

“You know, the gypsies over 'round the river bend make a rot gut moonshine that'll rip your intestines open. Not recommended for drinking, but it'll strip skunk and zombie stench off your armor in a heartbeat. Of course, then people just assume you're drunk for a fortnight." -the slightly insane dwarven guide

‎"Never accept jobs from royalty. They run at the first sign of danger and carry trunks of useless rubbish." Garry the Henchman

‎"Excellent dragon bait though" Federico the sarcastic rogue

"They pay well though, and if they run away fine. At least they're out of my way." -Marc the Merc

‎"Fire is always an important tool on a journey. It keeps you warm, lights your way and make sure a troll stays down." Lollin the half-elf ranger...

"Fire should come with a warning sign, danger do not eat, unless you are a dragon" John "the gipper" Silverline, fighter extraordinaire, not too bright though

‎"Ah snow it rusts weapons and armor, it chills you to the bone, and it hides many foul beasts." Petrov the human ranger of the White Tundras...
"Roasting a beast is an art best left to professionals. I had a wizard try and use magic to recreate his favorite dish and all I remember is that is smelled like troll dung and made us sick for days." Hank the innkeeper former warrior of Knott...

"Meat is a dish best served cold, and uncooked" Conroy the barbarian

Rule number one to surviving any journey: have at least one person who can work a skillet. The fastest way to get killed is dying of improperly prepared food or trying to fight on an empty stomach. I remember once, a wanna-be ranger woke up dead after he decided to spice up his bowl of stew with fresh oregano. It was actually nightshade." -the grumpy dwarven guide

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