Friday, February 4, 2011


It can never be said I was a lover of sports. Which is odd due to the fact the my brother loves them and the man who raised me not only played baseball but had a brother in the majors. Still being a guy I have had to learn to deal with such things. As the Superbowl approaches I think how much a religion sports can be. People congregate to watch it, they keep tabs and stats, they show incredible loyalty, and throw huge parties if there team wins. If the passion most people showed their sports teams was aimed at seeking God and bring heaven to Earth the possibilities are endless.

That being said I am more excited about hanging with the guys, the commercials and cooking then anything else. I plan on trying two new recipes and most likely will post them if they are a success.

1 comment:

  1. Yes it has become a sick cult of sports...more important than God to most. You mentioned you like to see how people have come to know the Lord and I have many parts of my testimony and other things on youtube. Just search "Purvigiggle". The Lord has saved me in a VERY dramatic way. God bless
