Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Book of Joel


Summary: The Book of Joel is set in a time of great prosperity for Jerusalem. The people have become complacent and began worshiping idols. Joel is called to send a message of God's impending judgment on his people as a warning to repent. Filled with harsh imagery and prophecies of redemption Joel is an astounding book that gives a balanced look on God. 

Things I Noticed:

1. Consecrate a fast and call all to hold a solemn assembly.  
2. As the day of the Lord draws near darkness, gloom and thick clouds.
3. The day of the Lord is great and very awesome, who can endure it?
4. Rend your hearts and not your garments. 
5. God is slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love. 
6. The Lord became jealous for his land and had pity on his people. 
7. He has given the early rain for your vindication; he has poured down for you abundant rain, the early and latter rain, as before. (Joel 2:23)  
8. And God will pour out his Spirit our sons and daughter shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams and young mean shall see visions.
9. God will show us wonders. Some serious disturbing stuff. 
10. She innocent blood comes with a heavy price. Desolation. 

Well, that's my take on what I just finished reading. I am still continuing my journey through Matthew the tax collector Jesus called friend while roping through Amos. Till then, Read up, Post up, and Shalom.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Book of Hosea


Summary: The Book of Hosea was written during a time of great of disobedience of Israel. Hosea is called to marry a whore, name his children prophetically base on the Lord's views of his people. It is a harsh message to Ephraim, Israel and Judah as the Lord calls for repentance and tells of their coming punishment.  

Things I Noticed:

1.  Jehu would be punished for the blood of Jezreel.  
2. The Lord brings those he loves who are in sin back.
3. My people are destroyed for lack of Knowledge
4. because you have rejected Knowldege, I reject you from being my priest to me. 
5. and a people without understanding shall come to ruin.
6. After two days he will revive us; on the third day he will raise up, that we may live before him. (Hosea 6:2)
7. For I desire steadfast love and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings.  
8. They made kings, but not through me. They set up princess, but knew it not. (reminds me of our government)
9. For they sow the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.
10. By the help of God, hold fast to love and justice, and wait continually for God.
11. The East wind , the wind of the Lord shall come. (I thought God's wind was a westerly boy was I wrong.)

Well, that's my take on what I just finished reading. I am still continuing my journey through Matthew the tax collector till Jesus called him friend while also traipsing through Joel. Till then, Read up, Post up, and Shalom.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Book of Malachi


Summary: The Book of Malachi is the last prophet in the Hebrew Testament in Protestant cannon. A call to return to purity of law Malachi set to gives God message to his people.  His ending words are a prophecy of hope that Elijah shall return calling forth the Name of the Lord. As believers we know that John would come later.  

Things I Noticed:

1. A son honors his father and a servant his master. But do we honor him as a son and fear him as a servant.  
2. God name is great among the nations.
3. God name shall be feared among the nations.
4. God's covenant with Levi.
5. Be faithful to your wife. (Malachi 2:14-16)
6. God will can be weary with your words. 
7. He is a refiner's fire purifying things to the purest gold and silver. 
8. God will draw near for Judgment. (Malachi 3:5)
9. Bring in what is God and give it to him, he will open the windows of heaven for such loving sacrifice.
10. A book of remembrance was written before him of those who feared the Lord and esteemed his name. 
11. For those who fear my name the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings. 
12. Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet. 

Well, that's my take on what I just finished reading. I am still continuing my journey through Matthew the tax collector till Jesus called him friend. Till then, Read up, Post up, and Shalom.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Book Of Zechariah


Summary: The Book of Zechariah is filled with wondrous callings and prophetic vision. WIth in the book painted in prophecy is glimpses of the first and second coming of Christ. While the is not what it was primarily written for we find the Lord resetting the standards of Israel and his patrol of the earth. Filled with imagery, explanation and guidance Zechariah is the foremost vision led prophet between Ezra, Nehemiah, Haggai and himself. 

Note: The Imagery in Zechariah has many interpretation. I recommend looking up jewish Mishnah and commentary in order to truly understand this book in full. That being said this is just my take on this book while reading it. Things that popped out to me and my understanding.

Things I Noticed:

1. The Lord will again comfort Zion and choose Jerusalem. 
2. God is an exceedingly jealous God for his people.
3. Jerusalem shall be inhabited as a village with out walls. And God will be to her as a wall of Fire.
4. Not by might nor by power but by my Spirit says the Lord.
5. Female Angels (Zech 5:9)
6. Who do you fast for? Yourself or to gain closeness to God?
7. The coming King on a donkey colt. Hello Jesus
8. A fount of the House of David that cleanses sin and uncleanness
9. Go refines his people like Gold and Silver. And those he does he answer to there call.
10. The Mount of Olives cleaved in two by Jesus return. Like breaking a donut in half. BAM!
11. Leprosy or Zombie plague you decide . (Zech 14:2)
12. Did you know there is a plague set up for nation who do not celebrate the Feast of Booths?

Well, that's my take on what I just finished reading. Now on to Matthew the tax collector who was considered a swindler till Jesus called him friend. Till then, Read up, Post up, and Shalom.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Book Of Haggai


Summary: The Book of Haggai is a short book. Concise and to the point Haggai recounts Israel's history of misbehavior towards God and there futile efforts to succeed. Though they had turned away and God had been angry God sends Haggai with a new message or renewal, that in his mercy God was returning to his people. It was this message and the excitement of rebuilding of the temple that encapsulates Haggai's message.  

Things I Noticed:

1. Consider you ways. 
2. You can sow all you want but it is in vain with out God. 
3. Heaven's bounty was with held as God's House laid in ruin. .
4. The silver is God's and the gold is God's.
5. The Latter Glory of God's house shall exceeds the former.

Well, that's my take on what I just finished reading. Now on to Haggai who was mentioned in the book of Ezra also. Till then, Read up, Post up, and Shalom.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Book Of Ezra


Summary: The Book of Ezra focuses on the rebuilding the Temple in Jerusalem . This effort was commanded by the King Cyrus of Persia. Many people stood against this spreading lies against the remnant. Still God was faithful to help complete the task. Ezra help re-instituting the Priesthood and Torah Law, re-introducing the Passover. Like Nehemiah, Ezra help to segregate the Jewish blood line from being mixed with other races.

Things I Noticed:

1. Ezra kept good genealogical records. 
2. Ezra was known for his scribing and knowledge of Torah. 
3. Ezra always mentions God's hand being with him in any success.
4. Ezra spent a great deal of time searching for the Levitical blood line.
5. Like Nehemiah, Ezra felt obligated to segregate the blood as in the Torah law set down by God for entering the Promised land.
6. Ezra made sure the temple ran sacrifices and money offerings correctly.
7. Ezra had a high view of himself. (Ezra 7:6)

Well, that's my take on what I just finished reading. Now on to Haggai and Zechariah who was mentioned in this book. It is time to hear there account of this time as well. Till then, Read up, Post up, and Shalom.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Book Of Nehemiah


Summary: The Book of Nehemiah focuses on the rebuilding of Jerusalem and her walls by the Jewish captives. This effort was lead by Nehemiah who is the cup bearer for King Artaxerxes. After gaining permission from the King, Nehemiah sets the task of rebuilding the Walls of Jerusalem, re-instituting the Torah Law, reforming the Priesthood, re-introducing the festival of booths, and segregating the Jewish blood line from being mixed with other races.

Things I Noticed:

1. Nehemiah fasted, prayed, and repented before doing anything.
2. Nehemiah had a clear desire to help his people rebuild.
3. Before rebuilding, Nehemiah surveyed the issues with the wall.
4. It took everyone helping with the work to complete the job. (One cannot fix issues on their own despite what we are taught in this world.)
5. People will stand against you and even lie about you if they find it is in their own interest, or they think they are stopping you from making a mistake.
6. Celebrate the Festivals.
7. Nehemiah, in his Zealousness to re-establish the Law of Torah, looked at Solomon and went to the extreme by segregating the Jewish people from marrying other people and races. (One must constantly seek God as not to be overrun by passion and zeal.)

Well, that's my take on what I just finished reading. Now on to Ezra who was mentioned in this book. It is time to hear his account of this time as well. Till then, Read up, Post up, and Shalom.