Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Book Of Nehemiah


Summary: The Book of Nehemiah focuses on the rebuilding of Jerusalem and her walls by the Jewish captives. This effort was lead by Nehemiah who is the cup bearer for King Artaxerxes. After gaining permission from the King, Nehemiah sets the task of rebuilding the Walls of Jerusalem, re-instituting the Torah Law, reforming the Priesthood, re-introducing the festival of booths, and segregating the Jewish blood line from being mixed with other races.

Things I Noticed:

1. Nehemiah fasted, prayed, and repented before doing anything.
2. Nehemiah had a clear desire to help his people rebuild.
3. Before rebuilding, Nehemiah surveyed the issues with the wall.
4. It took everyone helping with the work to complete the job. (One cannot fix issues on their own despite what we are taught in this world.)
5. People will stand against you and even lie about you if they find it is in their own interest, or they think they are stopping you from making a mistake.
6. Celebrate the Festivals.
7. Nehemiah, in his Zealousness to re-establish the Law of Torah, looked at Solomon and went to the extreme by segregating the Jewish people from marrying other people and races. (One must constantly seek God as not to be overrun by passion and zeal.)

Well, that's my take on what I just finished reading. Now on to Ezra who was mentioned in this book. It is time to hear his account of this time as well. Till then, Read up, Post up, and Shalom.

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