Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Book Of Haggai


Summary: The Book of Haggai is a short book. Concise and to the point Haggai recounts Israel's history of misbehavior towards God and there futile efforts to succeed. Though they had turned away and God had been angry God sends Haggai with a new message or renewal, that in his mercy God was returning to his people. It was this message and the excitement of rebuilding of the temple that encapsulates Haggai's message.  

Things I Noticed:

1. Consider you ways. 
2. You can sow all you want but it is in vain with out God. 
3. Heaven's bounty was with held as God's House laid in ruin. .
4. The silver is God's and the gold is God's.
5. The Latter Glory of God's house shall exceeds the former.

Well, that's my take on what I just finished reading. Now on to Haggai who was mentioned in the book of Ezra also. Till then, Read up, Post up, and Shalom.

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