Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Book Of Zechariah


Summary: The Book of Zechariah is filled with wondrous callings and prophetic vision. WIth in the book painted in prophecy is glimpses of the first and second coming of Christ. While the is not what it was primarily written for we find the Lord resetting the standards of Israel and his patrol of the earth. Filled with imagery, explanation and guidance Zechariah is the foremost vision led prophet between Ezra, Nehemiah, Haggai and himself. 

Note: The Imagery in Zechariah has many interpretation. I recommend looking up jewish Mishnah and commentary in order to truly understand this book in full. That being said this is just my take on this book while reading it. Things that popped out to me and my understanding.

Things I Noticed:

1. The Lord will again comfort Zion and choose Jerusalem. 
2. God is an exceedingly jealous God for his people.
3. Jerusalem shall be inhabited as a village with out walls. And God will be to her as a wall of Fire.
4. Not by might nor by power but by my Spirit says the Lord.
5. Female Angels (Zech 5:9)
6. Who do you fast for? Yourself or to gain closeness to God?
7. The coming King on a donkey colt. Hello Jesus
8. A fount of the House of David that cleanses sin and uncleanness
9. Go refines his people like Gold and Silver. And those he does he answer to there call.
10. The Mount of Olives cleaved in two by Jesus return. Like breaking a donut in half. BAM!
11. Leprosy or Zombie plague you decide . (Zech 14:2)
12. Did you know there is a plague set up for nation who do not celebrate the Feast of Booths?

Well, that's my take on what I just finished reading. Now on to Matthew the tax collector who was considered a swindler till Jesus called him friend. Till then, Read up, Post up, and Shalom.

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