Wednesday, May 16, 2012



Summary:  Hadassah lived with her uncle Mordecai in the capital city of Susa. Seeing caravans carrying Jewish people back to Jerusalem and Israel, delegates from different parts of the Kings Xerxes kingdom most likely captured her imagination. As Hadassah is taken away to prepare to meet the king we see her caution as she hides herself under the name Esther. She moves with wisdom friending her guardians and garnering there advice. Between her and her uncle plots of intrigue are stopped, Haman is rebuffed and Israel is saved.    

Things I Noticed:

1. Esther one the favor of Hegai the Eunuch in charge of the women.
2. Before going to see the King the women spent twelve months in preparation.
3. Esther garners wisdom about the King from Hegai in her choice of what to take with her to see the king.
4. Who knows if you here for such a time as this?

Ruth and Naomi will be telling of how Boaz saved them and God lead them to be redeemed. James has taught me the ways of faith, works and coping with tribulation which I will share with you next. Till then, Read up, Post up, and Shalom.

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