Saturday, May 26, 2012



Summary: Paul, who is in prison (probably in either Rome or Ephesus), writes to  Philemon and his other brethren. Some think Philemon was possibly a bishop of the house church that met in his home in Colosse.  As a slave-owner he would have been wealthy by the standards of the early church and this explains why his house was large enough to accommodate the church that meets in his house. Paul writes on behalf of Onesimus, Philemon's slave. Beyond that, it is not self-evident as to what has transpired. Onesimus is described as having been "separated" from Philemon, once having been "useless" to him (a pun on Onesimus's name, which means "useful"), and having done him wrong. Onesimus seems to be a runaway slave who became a Christian believer while imprisoned with Paul. Paul now sends him back to face Philemon his aggrieved master, and strives in his letter to effect reconciliation between these two Christians.

Things I Noticed:

1. The Heart of the Saints have been refreshed through you. 
2. I appeal to you for my child, Omesimus, whose father I became in imprisonment. 

Ecclesiastes is throughly filled with sorrow found in the depths of understand that everything one does is a legacy. Solomon's sadness is filled by the wisdom that nothing gained is kept. As we move on with Paul we will visit his protege Timothy. Till then, Read up, Post up, and Shalom.

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