Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Church To Me. (Building Not Included)

Where to Fit?

My journey has taken me to a point, in which, when I sit in the chairs or pews of what is known as Christian church I feel out of place. In part is that I do not think of that as church anymore. In my last posting I paraphrased the view of a non-christian because I can relate. Sitting facing forward like in a movie theatre and listening listen to a pastor as a motivational speaker or Dr. Phil expecting direction on how life should be or what I should believe does not seem like the walk to me. (Not claiming there is no insight periodically from a good teacher.)

No Church to me now a days looks very different. I find church in conversations about God around a dinner table. It is feeding the poor with people passionate about being God's hands. It is talking about the difference between slam poetry and hip-hop or how truth can be found in the stories of writers. Worship service is wherever my heart over flows and I can not help but sing. From a mall, work, in the shower or even the super market. I still like huge group times of singing, guitar playing and a cappella of voices to God. The beauty of the Earth is a grand chapel to experience a relationship with God. I am not saying there are not sacred places.

There are places where the vail of the Kingdom and Earth are thin. The Grand Canyon, IHoP KC, a Boiler Room, ORU are some examples. It can be said where the hearts of those dedicated to the desire tin having a relationship with God and seek it with all they hearts together that is a sacred place.

This is very different from what I was raised to believe. Still the more I walk with Jesus from place to place the more I understand why he spoke in the public places and went to peoples houses. Being able to look into the eyes of people, hear their stories, taste the wonders of food and hum of with the music. To dance with a bride in Cana of Galilee and drink a vine vintage wrought from the water and the Holy Spirit. To praise God by spending time with people, clarifying things they where learning about and to bring healing to a beaten broken people.

I see similarities between the Jewish people of that time and the youth of this generation. They were beaten down by a world and its government. They whispered hush filled prayers for mercy as they where taxed into poverty. They looked to each other and the heavens as they where faced with a culture that said they where never good enough (cause they where not Roman.) Jesus brought life into that by being amongst the sinners who looked for escape. Some of them moving from the arms of one lover to another, still others shunned because they where diseased and just wanted a touch of reprieve, and others who cried out from a distance even if they thought they were unworthy and just wanted scraps from the Son of David.

I am just not able to walk anywhere if I am stuck in a building or close my eyes to those who do not know the love I know. The more I have been educated the more I find my self knowing nothing. As life moves forward the more I have experienced love the more hurt I have experienced to. As many songs as I have sung worshiping God, I have experienced ill towards me from being sick, to being called names, to others completely abandoning me over discussions. Still I find myself rejoicing in the Lord and learning to find happiness in the things he is giving me. Church is found in this, the Christian walk is this, as for the power of the spirit. Well that comes with faith and that is something that needs experience to.

I am a bit disgruntled. I like a glass of wine. Maybe a pipe every so often. I love spending time with people and food. To converse, learn and love together. Church to me is not in a building and sometimes its happens when you least expect it. God likes jumping in on your life if you give him a chance. I wonder when I will find a new home. Maybe not till the Citadel. Till then I seek. Till then I read the word, seek my Lover, and love others as I try to love God...

A Different Look At A Church Service

(This Is based on an Non-Christian's Point of View)

You pull into the parking lot and make my way past the greeters who are either apathetic or just want to hand you a flyer for service. On the other hand their are the super over-friendly welcomers that kind of creep you out.

Making your way through the halls of people milling about and chattering they give you the feeling that everyone is trying to hard. It’s like a masquerade with everyone trying hard to a family with people calling out brother and sister. It as all the trappings of everyday gentleness and polite conversation with a careful amount of care shown over the most trivial and mundane aspects of each other’s lives. A stage of dutiful Christians with no idea of why they are actually trying to care or understand one another, other then because the pastor preaches so or they think they bible says so.

After grabbing a coffee or mocha at the pseudo-Starbucks the facility boasts of you head into the auditorium. Sitting you gaze around now abandoned since the greeters and ushers jobs are done. In about 5 to 10 minutes you have one of two things you are waiting to happen. The first can be some lead vocalist person shouts into the microphone “Let’s all stand up and praise the Lord!” and the cool-Christian-rock-band tears into an up-tempo worship number. The second option in this beginning barraged by a multi-media video about the Church highlighting what great things they are doing in the community and up coming events. Either way you end up with the vocalist asking you to stand.

Now depending on your choice of venue everyone is having such a GOOD TIME! or they are all stuck to their chairs like disgruntled children dragged to the doctors. Some larger locations include a mix of both enthusiasts and angsty members. This vocalist inevitably starts his rock show with an assortment of music for a variety of pulled off the local popular Christian radio or website. As multi screens show Powerpoint slides flashing across projection screens backed with images of crosses, Jerusalem, serene lakes or the clear blue sky.

After the jam session the next thing is the “let’s turn around and greet each other this morning” and the pews come to life with hugs, handshakes and more over friendly greetings of people who will never remember your name.

From there someone the Pastor, Elder or Guest Speaker gets up and tells you their take on the life an Old Testament hero, Jesus, Peter or Paul figuring some way to tie their diatribe to the current hot button issue going around the church. This of course can consist of and not limited to Marriage, Finances, Politics, Charity or community. And with a mix of some pictures, cuts form Braveheart, the Matrix or some other popular inspiring movie this is considered cutting edge theology.

Once it’s over we have to back to more flamboyant praise-and-worship rock show staring the worship team and more sheer ritual, robotic, trance-like audience participation. With that being done and every ones duty fulfilled you can walk out as if you never been there because next time you visit it will most likely be exactly that, as if its your first time again. Of course if the church your visiting gives prizes for first time visitors then your in luck and can get twice the swag.

This is a paraphrase of a non-Christians point of view. If you want to see it go From Eden To Zion

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Into the Heart of the Matter

Holding flames in hand
Molding dreams with a word
Dancing with moves that shatter walls
Changing the future with faith in truth

Silly songs strummed on a guitar that change hearts
Clarity of vision that is not measured by eyesight but by one's heart
Though only half the man survives the death of his father it is more then enough to foil the macinations of a legion of devils
As self bows before humility of life and lesson

A phoenix arises again from ashes gone by
Pinions as black as midnight
Sharp grey eyes deep as steal
A resolve shining bluest flame

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Life Lessons

There are some tough lessons I have learned from life in the last few years. Here are four for you to see.

1. The Death of some one dear changes you forever.
I have had many people die around me. I was part of a funeral before I was a part of a wedding. That being said they did not hit me because of the distance with those who passed on. Recently I lost the man who was my for all intensive purposes my Dad and that forever has changed me. I have yet to recover from this loss.

2. Life always affords you opportunities to learn.
In graduating from seminary I came to learn how little I knew. God taught me more in the city of Tulsa then inside any classroom at Oral Roberts University. Though life there was full of great experience the opportunities to learn came everyday in unexpected ways. From helping to feed the poor, to help hosting dinners and passover, to conversations with friends and my students.

3. From Relevant to 24/7
The idea of the relevant church was something I use to find at the cutting edge of Christianity. The idea bringing the christian culture out of the 70's and 80's and into the new millennium entranced me for sometime. Though I think it is important to be able to relate to the children of today, it is more important to get in touch with God who can speak to the hearts of all generation. The Prayer movement came along reformed and revolution of my theological foundation. Reminding me of the ways of the ancients through fasting, praying and letting seeking the Holy Spirit to lead and do the miraculous. It can be said that God brought this at time to turn the fire of my faith from orange to the powerful blue flame. It is in this seeking that the vision of my heart crystalized towards New Orleans.

4. The Price of Pain
This lesson has been tough because pain hurts. Recently my mother's illness has been worse making the pain racking her joints unbearable. Having her cry out for help and being unable to do anything has been excruciating. The pain of loss affords only deep memories and regrets for the things undone. Physical pain let you know when somethings wrong whether its getting older, growth through exercise or being sick. Pain of heart lets you know when you spirit is not so well. All in all the price of pain is a high cost and I see why we as humans do anything not to feel it, drown it out, cover it up and avoid it all together. Still if we can push through find healing the fires of pain can teach us humility, strength, patience and wisdom.

In great wisdom God teach us things in life these of course where a few of mine.

Monday, February 7, 2011


Sometimes people are eaten by dragons. Other times people slay dragons. I prefer flying on the back of dragons. Unconventional I know but live life dangerously I say...

Some people crush bugs. Other people crush flowers. Me and my friends we crush evil armies of goblins...

You walk quietly and carry a big stick. This guy behind me shouts like blood murder and carries a broad sword. Yeah I would fear him a little more too... -Ancient gnomish tenet

Sometimes the only thing you can say is "OWLBEAR!" and run... Philbar Squeeker The Halfing Thief...

‎"A mage once told me never look into the eyes of a Beholder. And you know what he was right." One-eyed Phelius the inn keeper...

"You know what? I met one of those beholder types down in the Underdark while showing some cocky princeling around. He thought it would be funny to show off to his brainless trophy girl and throw a magic missile at the beast's back.. Or whatever you'd call it. Guess who's still petrified down there?" -the slightly insane dwarven guide

"We dared the perilous wastelands. Made it past the murky swamp. And develed deep into the ancient runes of Urik. Only to find NOTHING! And a note stating our competitors had gotten there FIRST!" Apple the unlucky Rogue

"Whoever said the road less traveled leads to adventure is full of goblin dung..." Chu Linn the Wondering Monk of Qi Lu.

‎"In my opinion, the road less traveled simply means more sprained ankles and bad nights' sleep to get somewhere you probably could have taken a coach to." -the grumpy dwarven trail guide

‎"Yeah I love the wind, well unless the wind is a crazy Djinn trying to eat my face off and slash me into pieces." Werricky the not so brave fighter...

We shall ride like the wind, except we have no horses so we walk" Edwin the horseless ranger

‎"I ran into a liche one time. Couldn't get the smell off my armor for weeks. The lesson here is don't charge the liche." Grubar the Warrior of Pav

“You know, the gypsies over 'round the river bend make a rot gut moonshine that'll rip your intestines open. Not recommended for drinking, but it'll strip skunk and zombie stench off your armor in a heartbeat. Of course, then people just assume you're drunk for a fortnight." -the slightly insane dwarven guide

‎"Never accept jobs from royalty. They run at the first sign of danger and carry trunks of useless rubbish." Garry the Henchman

‎"Excellent dragon bait though" Federico the sarcastic rogue

"They pay well though, and if they run away fine. At least they're out of my way." -Marc the Merc

‎"Fire is always an important tool on a journey. It keeps you warm, lights your way and make sure a troll stays down." Lollin the half-elf ranger...

"Fire should come with a warning sign, danger do not eat, unless you are a dragon" John "the gipper" Silverline, fighter extraordinaire, not too bright though

‎"Ah snow it rusts weapons and armor, it chills you to the bone, and it hides many foul beasts." Petrov the human ranger of the White Tundras...
"Roasting a beast is an art best left to professionals. I had a wizard try and use magic to recreate his favorite dish and all I remember is that is smelled like troll dung and made us sick for days." Hank the innkeeper former warrior of Knott...

"Meat is a dish best served cold, and uncooked" Conroy the barbarian

Rule number one to surviving any journey: have at least one person who can work a skillet. The fastest way to get killed is dying of improperly prepared food or trying to fight on an empty stomach. I remember once, a wanna-be ranger woke up dead after he decided to spice up his bowl of stew with fresh oregano. It was actually nightshade." -the grumpy dwarven guide

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Prodigious Delectable Awesomeness

With any major events I like trying to create new cuisine. This year for the Superbowl I created this master piece of deliciousness.

Prodigious Tri-Tip Sandwich

Prep Time:

10 min

Inactive Prep Time:

3 min

Cook Time:

23 min




4 to 6 servings


1 tri-tip steak

2/3 cup red wine

1/3 cup soy sauce

2 tablespoons honey

1 head of garlic

1 tablespoon chopped fresh rosemary leaves

1 tablespoon chopped fresh thyme leaves


Score tri-tip and insert partially crush garlic cloves into holes.

Marinate tri-tip for several hours in red wine, soy sauce, sugar, garlic, rosemary, and thyme, refrigerated.

Heat a grill on high.

Sear the outside of the meat with high heat with the fat side up. Then reduce heat to medium and slow roast for 20 minutes.

Let the steak rest in a foil tent for about 10 minutes before cutting diagonally across the grain.

Sesame Lime slaw:

1/4 head mixed cabbage, thinly sliced (about 3 cups)

1/2 sweet onion, thinly sliced (about 1 cup)

1/8 cup thinly julienne carrots

1 bunch fresh cilantro, leaves finely chopped

2 limes, juiced

3 tablespoon sesame oil

1/2 teaspoon ground cumin

Salt and pepper


To make the slaw: mix all the slaw ingredients together. Set aside for at least 30 minutes to let flavors meld.

Choose your favorite roll apply healthy portion of tri-tip then slaw close and serve. If you wish add creamy horseradish or guacamole to sandwich.

Before the Bowl.

I started this before I was off to hang for the food fest and commercial I thought I would give a quick insight I have been pondering.

1. The idea of a Relevant Church in the sense of the mainstream culture shift in the body to impact America more is a queer concept. It implies we have lost distinction in our society. Which in the sense of being set apart and holy is true. When Christians are like everyone else or worse judgmental you can say we have loss our flavor as salt. The Message is always relevant but without reputable messengers with authority and empowered it seem like its all a fantastical story.

2. The Prophet Nathan was able to speak to King David about his sin because they had more then a Prophet to King relationship. Nathan seemed to be a friend of David and thus understood using a analogy about shepherding a sheep would strike his heart about the problem God want to address.

3. It is the day of the Superbowl and it boggles my mind how much more people at church are excited about this Sunday then any other.

So there you go.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Librarian Ep.1

As someone who reads and writes I am always looking for advice and insight from my favorite authors. So when one of them writes a book on the craft, picking it up for a read is a no brainer.

Terry Brooks is the phenomenal author of such series as Shannara, The Magic Kingdom of Land Over and The Phantom Menace. In his book Sometimes the Magic Works Lessons from a Writing Life, Terry Brooks takes a different approach about explaining writing and publishing fantasy fiction by making it personal. From chapter one Brooks takes you through the journey of his life from growing up as a imaginative dreamer to being published and through many experience with many of his trademark books while ending with the lessons he learned from his grandson. Filled with thirty years of insight, great advice, tips, examples and concepts of putting a strong story together this book is like a mentor passing on his trademark secrets to his apprentice. This book like his fiction is well crafted and by far one of my new favorites on the subject of writing.

I will end with this some people write, others read, and few play the music of both. Terry Brooks is one of the few authors who not only plays the music but also teaches it as a warm kind teacher.

Friday, February 4, 2011


It can never be said I was a lover of sports. Which is odd due to the fact the my brother loves them and the man who raised me not only played baseball but had a brother in the majors. Still being a guy I have had to learn to deal with such things. As the Superbowl approaches I think how much a religion sports can be. People congregate to watch it, they keep tabs and stats, they show incredible loyalty, and throw huge parties if there team wins. If the passion most people showed their sports teams was aimed at seeking God and bring heaven to Earth the possibilities are endless.

That being said I am more excited about hanging with the guys, the commercials and cooking then anything else. I plan on trying two new recipes and most likely will post them if they are a success.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


I was once told never start something by giving a dictionary definition. Though I find this to be good advice I will discard it at the moment.

Webster's Dictionary Defines Reformation as; The act of reforming: the state of being reformed.

This is where I am at. My life has been filled with much heart ache with the loss of someone close, joy with finding true love and testing with intense trial of health, family, and finances. Looking at life from this small summit I can see how much I am have changed in just a year. Still as life shakes everything loose I find comfort in my faith. Though like a beggar I have no home, I still find bread, fellowship and on rare occasion worship.

I my dreams have not changed a single bit. They are more vivid then ever. And so I push on. So though its been some time I have decided to breath some more life into my blog. It starts today....